Gila Monster: The Desert Godzilla

Gila monsters are not monsters at all. Although its menacing appearance says otherwise, unless you’re a mouse, you have nothing to fear.

This reptile is a lizard that lives in the arid, desert areas of the Southwest United States and Mexico. Gila monsters live in burrows in the desert sand. They are carnivorous and hunt rodents, insects, and even smaller lizards.

Gila monsters are venomous. This toxin is very painful to humans, but not lethal. Often, monsters are more famed for their ferocious bite than their venom. These creatures are the pit bulls of the lizard kingdom and usually hold onto their prey without releasing their bite for a few moments.

Gila monsters can live to be over 20 years old. They are about 21 inches long and can weigh up to 3 pounds.

You can thank the Gila monster for helping Type 2 diabetes patients. An effective drug is made from Gila monster saliva.

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