
The opossum isn’t a rare animal, but it is a bizarre one.

As North America’s only marsupial, the opossum has a few odd traits. Most people agree that this creature looks like a giant rat. However, they are not a part of the rodent family and are more closely related to kangaroos.

Opossums are famous for their ability to play dead when threatened. If confronted, an opossum will bare its 50 teeth and hiss. If that doesn’t dissuade a predator, they will “play dead”. This is actually an involuntary reaction that the animal cannot control; it is similar to how some people faint when they see blood. The opossum will suddenly “die”, start foaming at the mouth, and emit a foul odor. To a hungry predator, their prey will appear diseased and inedible.

Because of this bizarre defense mechanism, many people believe opossums have rabies. It is nearly impossible for opossums to contract rabies because their body temperature is too low for the virus to survive. Furthermore, they have a robust immune system since much of their diet consists of carrion.

Opossums will eat almost anything from fruit and vegetables to lizards, eggs, and insects. They eat over 5,000 ticks each season which helps lower the spread of Lyme disease.

Opossums have a short lifespan, especially in the wild, where they are prey for many predators and often only survive for 3-4 years. In captivity they can live up to 8 years old.

Opossums are marsupials and raise their young in their pouch until they are old enough to come out and clamber all over mom.

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